When surfing the Internet for hotel rooms, villas, tours potential guests are looking for websites which offer the speed and convenience of a one-stop availability check, instant booking and confirmation. The Online Booking Manager products enables guests visiting your website to do exactly this, confirming their reservation in 'real-time'. They book them immediately, without having to bother with time-consuming emails and faxes exchanged with your reservations staff.

Optimizes the potential of your website
Keeps your guest on your own website while making a booking
Most systems take the users/guests out of your site and into theirs, so the guest leave your website! With Online Booking Manager users are kept within your site at all times. The branding you have invested so much in is enhanced, not diminshed, by using Online Booking Manager products compared to every other competitor. The Online Booking Manager products can be customized to have the look and feel of your web site, and to communicate your property's specific terms of the reservation and much more.
Provides a detailed booking
Confirmation to the guests
Many systems provides a basic and often unsatisfactory confirmation to guests thus obliging them to have to contact you to clarify some aspects of their booking. Online Booking Manager products offers a comprehensive reservation confirmation, which leave the guests in no doubt as to the details of their booking.
Notification to system administrators
Many systems provides a basic and often unsatisfactory notification to administrators thus obliging them to have to contact the guests to clarify some aspects of the booking. Online Booking Manager products offers a comprehensive notification, which leave the administrators in no doubt as to the details of booking.
Keeps it fast and simple so that no special software or downloads are needed for a customer in order to make a booking
Some systems demand that your guest have specialised software installed on their computer in order to make a booking. Many computers do not have the software and users are forced to download it. Online Booking Manager products keeps it fast and simple.
Provide easy to use administration panels
Many systems provide complicated administrative panels. With their friendly administrative panels, Online Booking Manager products keep the things fast and simple.